Saturday, October 21, 2006

Hubbard Squash #2

"Hubbard Squash #2”
Oil on prepared Masonite Panel
Unframed and Available at $175.
Laura Marie Anderson © October 20, 2006

First, I must say what a surprise this squash was. In my attempt to slice it open I had to use two very sharp knives. Once it finally went it sort of split itself. As I studied this squash today, I was thinking about how beauty really is in the eyes of the beholder. What we choose to appreciate becomes beautiful.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Karl Petersen's Cabin

5”x7”Oil on prepared Masonite Panel
Available at $100.
Laura Marie Anderson © October 19, 2006

I started this painting on October 14th when I had the flu. I just didn’t have enough energy to finish it. I finished it today. A fun little painting.

Hubbard Squash

9”x12” Oil on prepared Masonite Panel
Available at $175.
Laura Marie Anderson © October 19, 2006

I picked up this beauty while I was in Rapid City at the Farmer’s Market. I have been waiting to paint to. Tomorrow I’ll make use of that knife and slice it open to paint.

Windy Sunny Day

16x20" oil on canvas
Available at $800.

The forecast was for 48-50 degrees. I waited with anticipation.

I started this painting on October 10th. The first day for me to miss a painting, but it wasn’t close to being finished. I had to wait for the perfect day. A sunny day when the snow was somewhat melted compared to yesterday.

At this time of the year the sun comes over the mountain and hit the other side of the lake around 9am finally making its way to this side about 11am. By the time the sun made it, the winds had picked up to about 55mph, and the lake white capping for most of the day. About 2:30 the winds died down. I was going to change my position and move myself out more into the sun, but decided to wait for one hour and see if the winds were still down. About fifteen minutes later, gusty winds blew across the lake and the blue waters stirred until long after the sun set.

Also, check out the changes to yesterdays painting. I woke up in the middle of the night wondering if the icicles had fallen of during the course of the day or if I had somehow just failed to paint them in. They were the item that made yesterday special. Our first icicles of the winter.

I looked this morning and sure enough the icicles were still there. Wow, makes me wonder where my brain was. I think the icicles improve it 100%.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Icy Cold

9"x12" oil on prepared masonite
Available at $125.

Today was cold, but there was no wind. I waited for the sun to appear, but it never made it’s way out from behind the thick clouds. So, I decided to paint this chilly scene.

The snow that came down yesterday lay in wait for the sun to melt it.

Gourd #2

6"x8" oil on prepared masonite
Availabel at $100.
I got up this morning and took another look at this gourd. What a beauty. After turning it this way and that, I decided upon this position.

I love it’s knurly bumps. Tomorrow I must give it up and move on to the Hubbard squash, so that we can then eat it for dinner.

Monday, October 16, 2006

View from the Porch

10x8" Oil on Prepared Masonite
Available - Click above

This morning I was painting a gourd - see below. When I came out of my zone, about noon, I turned around to see huge snowflakes coming down. About one o’clock, I finished the gourd painting and proceeded to sit down to a lunch in front of the window. The trees were accumulating snow and the view across the lake was almost totally obscured. I was thinking about a lovely painting I came across yesterday where most of the edges were lost. I thought this would be another perfect opportunity to try that sort of painting, again.

“View from the Porch” will make a wonderful addition to your collection.


6x8" oil on prepared masonite
Available - click above
I found this wonderful gourd at a Farmer’s Market in Rapid City, SD. I love the way it is shaped. I think it is deserving of being repainted over and over again. It reminds me of a piece of driftwood we used to draw in my favorite drawing class at MSU-B with Professor John Pollock about ten years ago when I had returned back to college to finish my degree. The driftwood and this gourd could both be turn in a million directions and be something different each time. Check for my painting tomorrow to see if it has moved me again.

“Gourd” will make a wonderful addition to your collection.