“Elk Lake”
8”x10” Unframed - Oil on Hardboard
8”x10” Unframed - Oil on Hardboard
Laura Marie Anderson © April 27, 2007
Two days ago Karl, Sam and I made our way up to Elk Lake. We saw 9 goats and found the skull of one dead one. I was planning on going back up and continuing to Broadwater Pond the next day, so I stashed my painting pack we came back down. Yesterday the weather was rainy, so I took Sam to the vet to have his toenail fixed. He’s such a goat he must have slipped on a rock and hurt himself. Anyway, this morning Sam and I headed up to Broadwater Pond with the painting of the same name #2 that I finished on January 23. The rocks in the painting were bothering me and I wanted to see if anything could be done to satisfy myself. Sam ands I walked for about twenty minutes past Elk Lake when we ran into quite a bit of snow. I stashed my painting, which I was packing in a cardboard box, in a trash bag and then under a big rock. The forecast for the next two days was nearly 80, so I figured the snow would melt. I didn’t want to pack that 24”x30” box again, as it was I was feeling more like a pack horse than a painter. Freed up, we headed back to Elk Lake. I was happy to be carrying an extra panel, just incase. What a lovely sunny spot we found. Sam busied himself with a duck. The duck liked to be chased and kept coming back and teasing the dog. Just when Sammy would swim close enough to almost grab him the duck would fly off.