Monday, December 18, 2006

Day 2 -Work in Progress - "Hellroaring Falls #3"

“Work in Progress, Hell Roaring Falls #3”
40” x 30”
Available at ?
Unframed - Oil on prepared Masonite
Laura Marie Anderson © December 18, 2006

I’m almost proud to say that I took the weekend off. The house has been in need of a cleaning and getting some things put away. I’m sort of a scatter girl.

I put in almost full day on this painting today. It seems to be coming along nicely. Tomorrow morning I am planning on painting a small painting. I’ve come across something I just can’t resist. The “almost a full day” is because it was a windless morning, so about eleven I went for a walk taking pictures hoping to come upon one that would serve as this years Christmas card. Although it was a lovely walk, the pictures were less that I hoped for, so I planned on going out during the sunset however it seemed to drop away without any color today. Perhaps tomorrow the opportunity will avail itself to a shot that sings of Christmas Time at East Rosebud.

On the technical end of this painting: I’ve added Viridian Green and gotten rid of the Burnt Umber. My medium now until the end of this painting will be Gamblin, Neo Megilp with poppy seed oil to slow down the drying process. Today I put 1-12 parts poppy seed/Neo Megilp. I have mixed up the medium for tomorrow already, it will be 2-12, and each succeeding day one more part oil, keeping with the fat over lean oil paint. This makes with archival. I have been concerned with archival since I before I was first commissioned to paint portraits. Who would want a portrait that would chip, peel or crack off the board or canvas in 5-10 years? It is always best for a artist to make works that will out live them and since I am planning to make it to at least 100, I best know what I am doing. I am taking these notes, because this is what is said to be archival. If in 50 years I find my painting not up to snuff, I’ll know what to blame.

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