Saturday, May 05, 2012

Shepard Mountain from Jimmy Joe Campground

Oil on Canvas on Archivally Prepared Panel, 8"x16"
Contact me through  my website (Click here) if you are interested in purchasing this beautiful painting.  
This is a painting I started outside on Sunday, March 11.  I drove up toward East Rosebud Lake stopping at the Jimmy Joe Campground. It was a quiet morning and I hiked around for quite awhile listening to the birds of Spring, until I found this spot near the creeks edge. I unloaded the pack, which carries my French easel and began to paint.  After about an hour and a half, when I was totally absorbed in the painting, the wind came up, first taking my cap and then threatening to steal away my painting.  I gathered myself up quickly and made it out before the real winds took hold.  I picked up the painting up this week and finished it.

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